42 Network
42, an international network
The first campus was created in Paris in 2013, 42 is now an international reference for students and companies. Over the last few years, it has been in the top 10 according to the international WURI ranking of the most innovative universities and has trained thousands of professionals, to help address the shortage of talent in the digital world, while also responding to economic and technological changes, thanks to the quality of their training which is unanimously acknowledged.
Totally free, open to all talent, regardless of qualifications, origin or gender and now with no age limit, 42 also positions itself as an innovative social laboratory committed to building the society of tomorrow, a more inclusive, benevolent and supportive society. At the crossroads between the digital environment, diversity and the problems of employment and inclusion, it shares its innovative pedagogical vision (peer learning), its know-how and its values (free of charge, accessibility, secularism, etc.) to create a true centre of global innovation.
The same quality of training is guaranteed throughout the network. International student mobility is promoted in a multicultural environment. Supported by 42 Paris and structured around a common charter of shared practices and values, all partner campuses use the same selection process (commonly known as the «pool») and a common core or foundation of fundamental skills and knowledge to train good developers. The establishment of a common reference system to standardise the key skills of all students guarantees, regardless of the campus, the level and quality of their acquired knowledge. Subsequently, the students who are more advanced in the curriculum progress towards increasingly ambitious projects, in line with the environment, habits, culture and ecosystem of each campus.
Given that in a globalised and almost borderless digital environment, gaining international experience has become indispensable, 42 encourages the mobility of its students, who, once they have acquired the fundamental knowledge, can apply for a place in any school in the network, while continuing to benefit from the same pedagogy. A cultural and international openness that is also reflected in the implementation of intercampus projects (involving three campuses in various countries) that allow them to share experiences that until now have taken place specifically in the professional world (collaboration with partners with multiple work cultures and in different time zones).